
AP English Language

Page history last edited by Lisa Huff 15 years, 8 months ago


Enjoy! Here's a copy of the lyrics.

Read. Think. Discuss. Write.

  • Read the article:  America Needs Its Nerds:

    • Post at least five (5) analytical comments. These should be comments analyzing the passage--
      • What is the author's position?
      • How does he organize his argument?
      • What rhetorical devices does he use?
      • Do you note strong diction or imagery or figurative language?
      • What seems to be his tone?   
  • Now, switch gears, and think about your opinions on the topic.

    • Post three comments agreeing or disagreeing with his position?
      • Do you agree with the author's position?
      • What examples would you offer to illustrate your position?
      • What would those who disagree with you say?
      • Does the author build a convincing argument?
      • Do you note any fallacies?
      • Is there a larger, more complex view of the topic?
  • Now, we're ready to DISCUSS!

    • Read the comments of your classmates, and start talking. Be sure to respond to at least five comments.
      • You might agree--and offer an additional related point.
      • You might disagree.
      • You might challenge another's ideas.
      • You might ask a question.
      • You might piggyback on the comment of another. 

"Beautiful Little Fool" Essays

I know that one-on-one writing conferences are the most effective way for us to grow as writers. You write,  you get feedback, you revise, you write some more...But, in class, it's hard to have time to get around to every single person. And, I sometimes forget what I need to talk about with each of you. So, this time, I'm trying a new technique. As I read your essays, I recorded a sound file so that I could "talk" to each of you about your specific strengths and weaknesses.


Click on your name below to access a wav (sound) file giving feedback about your essay. Be sure to let me know how you like this format.



Team Pages: Wiki Directions

The Awakening: Chapter 6 Style Analysis Project




  • Team 1
  • Team 2
  • Team 3
  • Team 4










Superman and Me  Activity



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